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Get in Touch WITH US

At APECS Belgium, we will be very happy to hear your suggestions, your ideas, your experiences working with us. And we’d love talking about potential future collaborations that are at the very heart of our existence as a non-profit organization. So don't hesitate, leave us a message! We will get back to you as soon as possible.

The APECS Belgium team

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make a donation

Do you support our actions? Do you think our mission is important? Do you share our passion for education and the polar regions but don't have time to be more invested? That's ok, there are other ways you can help!   

As a non-profit organisation, our activities can only be sustained with the help of external funding. We often apply for specific subsidies for more important events, but we also need a stable base for our smaller actions. This is why your donations make a difference to our work. If you want to support us, you can make a bank transfer to our account. Even the smallest amounts can help us achieve great things.


Thank you 

APECS BELgium : BE06 7350 4496 2922

* Because of the status of our organisation, your donations are not tax-deductible.

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